About Us

The Break Room.  This word brings a clear mental picture of a place where you pull up a chair  with friends and grab your favorite cup or beverage.  This is a place where most workers will let their hair down for a minute or two, take a deep breath and relax.  Some may decide to peel off a layer of clothing revealing their sense of casual style underneath those layers.  This brings us to the story of Breakroomerch Store.  Use your imagination as you enter our store and we will help you create your individualized design that will turn heads and make your peers jealous.  Encourage them to visit Breakroomerch Store to run wild as you did and create that special T'shirt they have always dreamed of.  We are a group of nurses who have passed through many breakrooms and we know the feeling of owning that special T'shirt that is why we created this space for everyone to enjoy.  

Breakroomerch Muscle Shirt